π Yes, Episode I
A drop party, a quantum chemistry pod, and a dollop of Geoffrey Hinton.

It's been a fun and exhausting October & November (Elevate! Lab2Market! Hustle Fund! Transluce! more on these soon...), but remind me when we next talk to tell you about the time Geoffrey Hinton was unimpressed with my questions.
All righty, rather than burying the lede, the time has come. We're dropping our first episode the week of November 18, and we've got a drop party incoming. If you're in Toronto, and since you're a subscriber, you get dibs. November 21, 2024, be there or be square.

A Quantum Chemistry Pod While U Wait

At the Elevate festival this year, Douglas (editor-in-chief of BetaKit) and I interviewed Diana Virgovicova, the founder of Xatoms. A rapidly rising star, Diana shared how her new company is cleaning water via sunlight using quantum chemistry(!). Well worth a listen imho.

Upcoming Events
Here's what's coming up, and do subscribe to our events calendar here.
November 21: Episode I drop party.
November 26: A Toronto Tech Ecosystem #Giveback Holiday Gala hosted by the good folks at Toronto Tech Fest.
November 27: We'll be at the Firehood monthly meetup @ Google.
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