Purgatory & AI Generated Music

Rob moderating a panel, a party, and attending an event at DMZ.

Whew, well last week's Collision was quite the 40C + humidity week, with too many events and people to even start listing. I do like the conference and, while I'm sad it's leaving TO, I'm happy that Vancouver's taken up the mantle. Now, we wait for our next outing (see below for Startupfest in Montréal) and some shows to come together. But, in the meantime, here's a little levity for your week...

AI + Theme Song = WTF

Oh man, YouTube does not let you change thumbnails on a short... #TIL

Contest: for those of you who can figure out WTF the AI is trying to say in the video above, you'll get a shout out in the next newsletter.

Upcoming Events

We've created an events calendar here with more detail about where we'll be and when, but at a high level:

July 9-12: We'll be at StartupFest 2024 in Montréal doing something special, and we'll be taking the Startup Train to get there so come join us. Reply to this email if you want to say hi when we're there!