It has begun...
The first interview has been recorded, a summer soirée, and some plant based salmon.

Folks, it's true! We've got our first interview in the can, and we're starting to book more to have at least a semblance of a queue so we're not always behind the eight ball for content. See, you learn things from doing 500 podcasts! As usual, keep an eye out here for the first episode!
Founder Summer Soirée

If you're a founder and are in Toronto on August 22, come by a founder-only meetup I'm co-hosting with MaRS.
Last week, the BetaKit podcast I cohosted with Douglas (the editor-in-chief) had an interesting focus... We had a Canadian family office on the show to talk about how family offices work and their take on the Canadian venture ecosystem. Ryan Henry was very frank, astute, and clear. Worth a listen!

Plant-Based Salmon!

Chris Bryson, who's become a friend since I recorded a couple of my old podcasts with him in 2016 when he was running Unata (acq. to become Instacart Canada), has a new company. He's making plant-based salmon and has replicated the whole "raw to cooked" experience. I had the good fortune to try a late iteration of the product this week at Gia. Honestly, it was amazing. I'm excited for his new company, New School Foods, to bring this to market, and thought I'd just mention it here because it's just so cool. LMK if you think he should come on the show 😄.
Upcoming Events
We've created a specific events calendar here with more detail about where we'll be and when, but at a high level:
September 11-12: All In in Montréal. I'll be attending, details to follow.
November 13-14: SaaS North in Ottawa. I'll be attending that too, details to follow.