Happy New Fall

The fake new year and I'm hosting part of an AI conference in Montréal.

Happy New Fall
An end-of-summer soirée with some founders cohosted with MaRS

I don't know about you, but I've always felt like the September back-to-school season was my real "new year". This is when I make new resolutions and hold myself to them. How about you?

As I'd noted in our last update, we held a little end of summer soirée with the good folks at MaRS. Using a really great free surveying tool, Tally (I love it!), ended up with an NPS of +38 with a 100% "would do it again" rate. I think this means I can now retire a middle-income man.

Finally, one quick ask: we're busy recruiting guests and expect to launch ASAP, but if you know of any investors or entrepreneurs outside of Canada who are building their tech companies differently (getting off venture, late to get on to venture, bootstrapping, etc.), send them our way!

All In in Montréal

I'm All In, are you?

I'll be in Montréal on September 11-12 for the All In event focusing on the Canadian AI ecosystem: startups, incumbents, and governments. I'm hosting a new startup pitch sessions called the AI Challenge that are a little... different... both days. The first day is focuses on construction, second is about off-the-shelf AI. This sophomore year is shaping up to be a doozy, so I hope to see you there or at least on the socials.

Upcoming Events

Here's what's coming up, and do subscribe to our events calendar here.

September 11-12: All In in Montréal. I'll be hosting the AI challenge on both days.

November 13-14: SaaS North in Ottawa. I'll be attending that too, details to follow.