Founders, play your own game
On bring funny & a state of the fintech union.
Last week I spent a bunch of time working out a good opening section for the show. I've learned (always known?) doing actual comedy is hard, despite having a comedian on the team, and despite the fact that some jokes should write themselves (e.g., sharks on cocaine in Brazil).
So, as I wipe off the tomato and egg residue from that session... ahem, learning experience... I thought I'd point you to something more productive. I had the opportunity to chat with Brice Scheschuk, investor and founder of Wind Mobile, the former upstart telco in Canada. He recently did a talk that resonates with me greatly, called Founders: Play Your Own Game, where he discusses other paths to founder victory rather than the stereotypical VC-based path. I think you should have a look (it's video!) and would be interested to hear your feedback.
Last week on the BetaKit podcast I cohosted with Douglas (the editor-in-chief), we chatted with the Canadian startup Vault (referral link). We discussed the obvious - how to build an SMB financial services business in Canada - but also did a pulse check on the global fintech ecosystem, including Revolut's decision to pull out of North America.

Founder Summer Soirée

If you're a founder and are in Toronto on August 22, come by a founder-only meetup I'm co-hosting with MaRS.
Upcoming Events
We've created a specific events calendar here with more detail about where we'll be and when, but at a high level:
September 11-12: All In in Montréal. I'll be attending & MC'ing some of the conference, details to follow.
November 13-14: SaaS North in Ottawa. I'll be attending that too, details to follow.