Drop Week & The State of SaaS
The state of SaaS in Canada with Chris Arsenault of iNovia and the Episode 1 drop party.

This past week we were at SaaS North, a really great conference that gets a quality group of founders, investors, and ecosystem folks together in Ottawa. This intimate conference is a stark contrast to Web Summit or SaaStr, which aim to be very, very big. If you didn't make it this year, I recommend taking a look for 2025. I also recorded the BetaKit podcast on the main stage at SaaS North on the state of SaaS in Canada. Check it out below!
A special thank you to Invest Northern Ireland, Brain Box Labs, and RSM for sponsoring our little soirée that brought out the British Deputy High Commissioner and a great cross section of the ecosystem.
Episode I Drop Party
Yes, this is episode drop week, and we've got a drop party incoming. If you're in Toronto, and since you're a subscriber, you get dibs. November 21, 2024, be there or be square.

The State of SaaS & AI, At Least In Canada

Have a listen to the interview Douglas and I did with Chris Aresnault, partner and seasoned investor at Inovia, a notable Canadian fund, on the BetaKit main stage at SaaS North. Inovia has a yearly report on the state of SaaS and what I found most interesting were his thoughts on where SaaS and AI collide. I'm particularly interested in how it will mess with business models (or not). Let me know what you gleaned from the conversation.
Upcoming Events
Here's what's coming up, and do subscribe to our events calendar here.
November 26: A Toronto Tech Ecosystem #Giveback Holiday Gala hosted by the good folks at Toronto Tech Fest.
November 27: We'll be at the Firehood monthly meetup @ Google.
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